Final Fantasy XIV Men Wear Playboy Bunny

The 4.3 update of the Square Enix MMORPG (which is expected for next week, although it is not confirmed) will include sexy Playboy bunnies costumes for the male characters.

Final Fantasy XIV Online: Here Is The New GO App

GO is the abbreviation of Gathering Outdoors, an app that literally adds a new dimension to the FINAL FANTASY XIV Online experience, allowing players to go out and collect Eorzea natural resources in the real world. These can then be used to manufacture objects and equipment within the game.

FFXIV Conduct A Free Login Campaign For Players

A lot of new contents are prepared, such as "forbidden land Eureka Anemos" added for the latest update and a limited time event "egg hunt". Please enjoy the "now" of the evolving FFXIV world.

Final Fantasy XIV Overview Of A Realm Reborn

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is another of the most cured MMOs and with more quality than you can find. Nothing has to do with the chaotic Final Fantasy XIV, as A Realm Reborn managed to reorganize the initial outrage of Square-Enix and create something amazing and wonderful, with all the load and category of a saga of the bearing of Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy XIV: Discover The Forbidden Land Of Eureka Anemos

We told you about it at the beginning of the month in this news, the banned land of Eureka Anemos emerges from the fog on Final Fantasy XIV thanks to the update 4.25 now available.

Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood Patch 4.25 Will Be Released In Middle March

In the next day, March 13, Square Enix will release the second installment of Patch 4.2 for Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood. Update 4.25 has two highlights in store: The Forbidden Land Eureka Anemos, a new challenge for explorers and treasure hunters, and the continuation of Hildibran's Falls.

Final Fantasy XIV: Remember The Dad Of Light

Japanese actor Ren Usogi, who starred on Netflix in the Final Fantasy XIV series "Dad of Light", recently passed away at the age of 66 (we reported).

Final Fantasy XIV Pass In Version 4.25

Hardly the game passed in version 4.2 last January, Final Fantasy XIV will soon see the arrival of the 4.25, which will mark the beginning of the assault on the mysterious Eureka land.

FFXIV Patch 4.2 Will Be Available As Of January 30 For All Users

Naoki Yoshida answered some questions based on Final Fantasy XIV the upcoming patch 4.2. In 2017, FFXIV added the second full expansion, Stormblood, including two new playable characters, the Samurai and the Red Mage, and access to a free trial of the game that would allow players to enjoy all content up to level 35, the community of players peaked at over 10 million worldwide.

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